Ready Player One

What I Liked: Certain moments in the movie, like the Zemeckis Cube, as well as other moments featuring characters and movie items that touched all my nostalgia bones. The action scenes were a lot of fun. What I Disliked: Read the book years ago, and only mildly enjoyed it. I didn’t really care for overallContinue reading “Ready Player One”

Voltron: Legendary Defender (tv) (season 3)

Note: this was a SUPER quick lunch break review that I did on my phone right after finishing season 3, so I’m just sharing that screencap because the text perfectly encapsulates my thoughts on it. Jose Zuazua is editor-in-chief of Quick Lunch Break Reviews. He has an associates degree in film production. He’s on Twitter and Instagram.

Voltron: Legendary Defender (tv)

– a remake of the mid-80’s cartoon “Voltron: Defender of the Universe”, which is itself an adaptation of the early-80’s “Beast King GoLion” cartoon from Japan (didja’ get all that?). – There’s two seasons available on Netflix now. – Speaking of the seasons: each one starts of weak, but get so much better towards theContinue reading “Voltron: Legendary Defender (tv)”

The Transfomers: The (animated) Movie

-The movie was released THIRTY years ago today (and I got to see it as a child in the Eagle Rock Plaza [back when they had theaters inside]). -Great dialog and banter between the characters (especially Kup, Hot Rod, Arcee & Springer). -One of Orson Welles’ final films (Yes, THAT Orson Welles). -Pushed characters andContinue reading “The Transfomers: The (animated) Movie”