Protector (Issues 1 & 2) (COMIC REVIEW)

The Protector by Simon Roy, Daniel M. Bensen, Artyom Trakhanov, Jason Wordie and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

From Image Comics: “Of all the tribes that dwell in the hot ruins of far-future North America, the Hudsoni reign supreme, but even they fear and obey the godlike Devas. When the Devas warn of an old-world demon in the conquered city of Shikka-Go, Hudsoni war chief First Knife decides to deal with the threat personally.”

Editor’s note: I received review-copies of the first two issues of the series, so that’s what I’m basing this review on. I was provided an early look at issue #2, which hits newsstands soon.

What I liked:

  • The script is tight, with sharp pacing and a lack of exposition-heavy dialog, leaving you hungry to keep with the story. Seriously, I hate when characters tell you everything instead of letting us find things out within the story progression.
  • Strong compositions highlight the energetic art. It’s like Paul Pope, Daniel Warren and James Stokoe (who drew the first issue’s cover) had a child that blended their influences and *still* made it their own.
  • Speaking of the art, the character designs are dynamic, with each “Tribe” within the book having their own look. Happily reminds me of the Legend of Zelda video games.
  • Speaking of the “Tribes”, I’m heavily interested in their cultural and geographic makeup. I love that each issue has an appendix that gives you more insight into them and their roles within the world the story creates.

What I didn’t like:

  • Even if I nitpicked, I wouldn’t be able to find anything I did not enjoy.


Just a great couple of issues that will pique your interest enough to stick around for all 5. A well-told action comic, with a dense world and possibly even more dense story line. Purchase issue #1 digitally here or at your local comic book shop, and keep your eyes out for the rest of the series. Issue two will be released on February 26, 2020, with a cover price of $3.99.

Check out our other comic and comic book related reviews here.

Jose Zuazua is editor-in-chief of Quick Lunch Break Reviews. He has an associates degree in film production and has been published both online and in print for Los Angeles City College’s award-winning Collegian newspaper. He is also a news writer at DC Comics News. Jose is on Twitter and Instagram, and is also currently writing his first short novel.

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